Saturday 25 February 2017

Taco Bell Vegan Naked Chicken Chalupa

One of my followers @Daddi_nature from New York challenged me to come up with a vegan version of Taco Bells new Naked Chicken Chalupa. The wrap is breaded chicken filled with creamy avocado ranch dressing, lettuce, tomato and grated cheese. I headed straight for the kitchen and a few hours later I have passed my mission. I've never been to Taco Bell or eaten the Chalupa so I hope this version will meet any new vegans needs. Its packed full of protein and I used wholemeal breadcrumbs to make it as healthy as possible. I really hope you enjoy making this recipe and the taste. I most certainly will be making it again and trying it out on my vegan friends and family.

This recipe makes 2-3 wraps.

For the chicken style wrap:
130g vital wheat gluten flour
25g chickpea/garbanzo/gram flour
15g nutritional yeast
1 tbsp vegan Worcester sauce
¼ cup soy sauce
1 cup hot water
Vegetable stock (to simmer the wrap in)
½ tsp mixed herbs
¼ tsp turmeric
Season with sea salt and black pepper
½ tsp paprika
½ tsp onion powder
½ tsp garlic powder
pinch of ginger powder
Breadcrumbs (I blitzed to slices of wholemeal bread in a blender to make crumbs)

For the filling
Vegan grated cheese
Chopped tomato
Lettuce/salad leaves

For the ranch dressing
½ an avocado
4 tbsp vegan mayo
½ tsp onion powder
½ tsp garlic powder
Season with sea salt and black pepper
fresh/dried parsley
2-3 tbsp almond milk
Blended in a food processor

In a large mixing bowl add the gluten flour, chickpea flour, yeast, onion, garlic, turmeric, salt, pepper, paprika, ginger and whisk/mix together. Add the water, soy sauce, Worcester sauce and mix thoroughly. Use your hands and kneed on a floured surface for 2-3 minutes. Cut into 3 portions and roll out into a circle 7"/8" diameter. Triple wrap in cling film and place in simmering stock for half an hour, turning once. Carefully remove from heat and unwrap the seitan. Allow to cool for 5 minutes then coat in plant milk and cover in breadcrumbs. Fry on a medium to high heat for a total of 8 minutes turning every couple of minutes. Place a napkin on a plate then lay the wrap on top. Add the ranch dressing, salad and cheese then wrap the napkin around to hold it together. Enjoy!!

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